Friday, 10 April 2015

Central America; Belize to Guatemala

While pit stopping in San Ignacio we met a friendly local named Star. He made a strong effort to show us around town, give us voodoo drinks and herbal vaccines, and stuff us around in more ways than one. With that aside however we did get to explore the underground cave systems on blow up tubes and after what seemed like the never ending journey we finally reached the border and made our way into Guatemala. 

We only had a quit one night stop over in Flores to watch the sunrise over Tikal and explore the Malayan ruins; unfortunately the sun didn't put on a show but if you're ever in Flores it's worth doing as you skip all the crowds of tourists and you get to hear all the howler monkeys waking up to start their day.

After a decent drive north of Flores we arrived at our hostel in Lanquin - The Zephyr Lodge! If you ask me this place gets an 11/10; incredible atmosphere, fun young staff, good food and good company - all while situated in the middle of the jungle in grass and wooden dorms perched up on top of a mountain! 

To celebrate Good Friday we made our way to Semec Champy - what a way to spend the holidays; we ventured through darkened underground caves with nothing but a candle to guide the way, we jumped off huge suspension bridges, swung on rope swings and frolicked in the pools bellow the waterfall! To finish up one epic adventure we made our way back to our hostel via the only transport available; standing up with 15 other tourist on the back of a pickup...

Arriving back at our jungle home there was already a vibe happening, the hostel put on a big Easter BBQ, and we drank well into the night - probably not the wisest idea when you have a 12hr bus ride to Antigua staring you in the face, but that's tomorrow's problem! 

Happy Easter, friendly followers!!  

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